
"The Red Sultan"

1893’te ABD Büyükelçisi Terrell’i kabul eden Sultan Abdülhamid, Saray’daki Ermeniler ve Ermeni meselesiyle ilgili düşüncelerini aktarmış.

...Sultan, Osmanlı’da son zamanlarda yaşanan kargaşaların, ABD basını tarafından hiçbir zaman doğru bir şekilde verilmediğini söyledi ve kendisinin söyleyeceklerini Amerikan halkının bilmesini sağlayacağımı umduğunu belirtti. Ardından şöyle devam etti: “Tatarlar ve Perslerin sürekli işgalleri altında ezilmiş olan Ermeniler çok büyük sayılarda göç etmeye başladılar ve Osmanlı idarecilerinden korunma elde ettiler. Onlara nazikçe ve misafirperverane davranıldı. Sürekli olarak savaş içerisinde olan hiçbir ülke, endüstriyel ve ticari bir arayışın peşine düşemez. Bu yüzden ilk sultanlar hep fetihle meşgulken, tüm ticari alanlar ve üretim alanları Hıristiyanlar, başlıca da Ermeniler tarafından tekelleştirildi. Dinlerine karşı da hoşgörü gösterildi, Müslümanlar Allah’a ibadet eden bütün dinlere karşı müsamahakârdır. Böylece Ermeniler gelişti ve dört yüzyıl boyunca Osmanlı idaresi altında kaldılar. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun bankacıları, üreticileri ve müteahhitleri oldular. Tarihî kiliselerinde ve manastırlarında açık bir şekilde ibadet ettiler, ihtiyaç olduğunda da yeni ibadethaneler inşa ettiler.http://www.iyibilgi.com/haber.php?haber_id=138794

Jews, Zionists Behind Armenian Genocide: http://secretjews.wordpress.com/006/
There is the book “Inner Folds of the Ottoman Revolution” written by Mevlan Zadeh Rifat in Turkish and published in 1929, the author, a pro-sultan Turk, claims that the “Armenian genocide was decided in August 1910 and October 1911, by a Young Turk committee composed entirely of displaced Balkan Jews in the format of a syncretist Jewish-Muslim sect which included Talaat, Enver, Behaeddin Shakir, Jemal, and Nizam posing as Muslims. It met in the Rothschild-funded Grand Orient loge/hotel of Salonika.” Syncretism means a combination of different forms of belief or practice; masonism fits that description. As the masons started the 1897 revolution in France with the cry “liberty, fraternity, equality,” Young Turks used the same slogan in their revolution of 1908.
A 1994 conference paper/lecture by Joseph Brewda of Schiller Institute entitled “Palmerson launches Young Turks to permanently control Middle East” claims the founder of the Young Turks to be a certain Jew by the name of Emmanuel Carasso. He states: “Carasso set up the Young Turk secret society in the 1890′s in Salonika, then part of Turkey, and now part of Greece. Carasso was also the grand master of an Italian masonic lodge there, called ‘Macedonia Resurrected.’ The lodge was the headquarters of the Young Turks, and all the top Young Turk leadership were members.”
Further on Mr. Brewda says: “During the Young Turk regime, Carasso continued to play a leading role. He met with the sultan, to tell him that he was overthrown. He was in charge of putting the sultan under house arrest. He ran the Young Turk intelligence network in the Balkans. And he was in charge of all food supplies in the empire during World War I.” It is ironic that four centuries after the Turkish sultans welcomed the expelled European Jews into Turkey, certain Jews belonging to secret societies and to Zionism will kick the sultan out of power early in 20th century, destroy the Ottoman Empire, and celebrated their victory by massacring by proxy almost the whole Christian Armenian people, one million and half Armenians; half million Greeks; and half million Christian Assyrians & Arameans.
In 1982, after the Israeli army conquered Lebanon, they celebrated their victory by massacring by proxy children and women in the Palestinian camp of Shattila, in Lebanon, by allowing Lebanese Phalanger militia fighters to move into the camp for two days and murder its inhabitants. Eighty percent of the camp were killed. Nearly all of the dead were old men, women and children and all of them had been unarmed. Not one gun, not one knife was found in their possession, claims a Palestinian witness.
All this according to the percepts of the Talmud, the Satanic Bible of the Jews, which encourages Jews to kill, directly or indirectly, by sayings like: “Every Jew who spills the blood of the godless, is doing the same as making a sacrifice to God.” Talmud: Bammidber Raba c21 & Jalkut 772. In the eyes of Talmudists all non-Jews are godless. And “It is the law to kill anyone who denies the Torah. The Christians belong to the denying ones of the Torah.” Talmud: Coschen Hamischpat, Hagah 425. Very neatly put sentence indeed.
Jesus came and shed his blood for us in order to save humanity and put an end to human and animal sacrifices practiced by Talmudist Jews who believe that the shedding of the blood of the innocents is a prerequisite of their reptilian gods, specially before embarking on an enterprise. They have orchestrated the massacres and slaughters of millions and millions of humanity so that their demonic gods will be appeased and grant them a new homeland in the near-east. Apparently, the sacrifice of hundreds of millions of humanity during the first half of the twenty century (including the six million Jews of Nazi Holocaust) have appeased their gods and their wish was granted.
Back to the Young Turks. Mr. Brewda writes: “Another important area was the press. While in power, the Young Turks ran several newspapers, including ‘The Young Turk,’ whose editor was none other than the Russian Zionist leader Vladimir Jabotinsky. Jabotinsky had been educated as a young man in Italy.”
Mr. Brewda, ignoring the possibility that Talaat could have been a secret infiltrated Jew, writes: “Of course, there were also some Turks who helped lead the Young Turk movement. For example, Talaat Pasha. Talaat was the interior minister and dictator of the regime during World war I. He had been a member of Carasso’s Italian masonic lodge in Salonika. One year prior to the 1908 coup, Talaat became the grand master of the Scottish Rite Masons in the Ottoman Empire. If you go to the...http://secretjews.wordpress.com/006/