Neurophone, normal duyu kanallarını atlayarak sesli bilgiyi beyne direkt olarak verir. Başta duyma engelliler için bir cihaz olarak tescillenmişti ancak kısa bir süre sonra Amerikan Ulusal Güvenlik Birimi Tarafından el konuldu(1958). 25 yıl boyunca mucidi kendi cihazına ulaşamadı...
Patrick Flanagan * * * *
Electromagnetic Man and The Dark Side of Electromagnetism
Update, 9th July 2009Court to Defendant: Stop Blasting That Man’s Mind!Wired News, 1st July 2009 Late last year, James Walbert went to court, to stop his former business associate from blasting him with mind-altering electromagnetic radiation. Walbert told the Sedgwick County, Kansas panel that Jeremiah Redford threatened him with “jolts of radiation” after a disagreement over a business deal. Later, Walbert, said, he began feeling electric shock sensations, hearing electronically generated tones, and getting popping and ringing sounds in his ears. On December 30th, the court decided in Walbert’s favor, and issued a first-of-its-kind order of protection, banning Redford from using “electronic means” to further harass Walbert. No, seriously. I recently took part in a BBC Radio 4 program, which took a light-hearted look into the “the real Manchurian Candidate” — and examined whether there is any truth in stories of mind control. It gave me a chance to talk about exotic non-lethal weapon concepts like the so-called telepathic raygun, the system which beams sound directly into your skull, and the “voice of god” talking fireball. Most of these projects are just lab experiments, or examples of Powerpoint engineering. But in some legal, policy, and business circles, electromagnetic brain assaults are being taken seriously. Walbert’s cause is supported by Jim Guest, a Republican member of the Missouri House of Representatives. He’s working on proposed legislation to addresses electronic harassment, including a bill against the forced implantation of RFID chips. The U.N. is also now taking the possibility of electromagnetic terrorism against people seriously. And for the first time this year’s European Symposium on Non-lethal Weapons included a session on the social implications of non-lethal weapons, with specific reference to “privacy-invasive remote interrogation and behavioral influence applications.” Those who believe they are being targeted are getting a bit of official recognition. For some, this opens up a new business opportunity. There are already quite a few companies out there offering “Technical Surveillance Counter Measures,” or sweeps to determine if you are the victim of electronic harassment. As well detecting the usual bugging devices, they can check if you are being covertly bombarded by microwaves which may be the cause of “headache, eye irritation, dizziness, nausea, skin rash, facial swelling, weakness, fatigue, pain in joints and/or muscles, buzzing/ringing in ears.” Much of this trade may come from people with symptoms caused by something less exotic than high-tech military hardware. But companies will no doubt be willing to sell them expensive protection measures, anyway. And as awareness of these developing technology projects increases, we are likely to be hearing a lot more about “electronic harassment,” “gang stalking” and the like over the next few years. And there is also likely to be what folklorists call “Ostension,” or acting out. Now that there are so many websites explaining how easy it is to harass people by zapping them with a modified microwave oven, sooner or later someone is bound to try it. [Photo: U.S. Army] ALSO: |
Electromagnetic Man and
The Dark Side of Electromagnetism
"Beware of the dark side. Anger...fear...aggression.
The dark side of the Force are they.
Easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight."
Well, in researching the literature relating to electromagnetism (EM) it is hard to ignore the volumes that have been dedicated to what I have dubbed 'The Dark Side of Electromagnetism'. An investigation will soon turn up a long history of experimentation and many accusations of this technology being put to use for a variety of purposes. Please don't think this is only associated with government and military organizations. There is one story on the internet that tells of a device being found in a church, to 'help' the congregation to believe. Another story was about a supermarket chain that was caught, sending out silent EM messages to shoppers to buy more and to not steal! Even if these two snippets are not true, the concept of subliminal messages is not new. In the following I have written about instances that are undisputed historical facts. A link has been provided for research that can be classed as definitive. My opinion is that we have to be aware of this issue, because the 'technology' is now in the process of being repackaged as entertainment. Folks, it's time to wake-up.
Electromagnetic Man
"The physical resistance offered by the human body can be used in implementing a keypad or other input device as well as estimating distances between devices and device locations. In accordance with the present invention, by varying the distance on the skin between the contacts corresponding to different keys, different signal values can be generated representing different inputs." [M3]
I suppose it could ignite a new fashion.....QWERTY tattoes!
The second story is hilarious and it is a report of a Japanese solution to the problem of the increasing number of elderly. Have you ever heard of the old TV Series called the 'Six Million Dollar Man'? Well it is now thought possible to give old people superhuman powers, by putting them in a "Robot Suit"! [M4] A prototype battery-powered suit, code-named HAL-5, invented by Professor Yoshiyuki Sankai, detects muscle movements through electrical-signal flows on the skin surface and then amplifies them. The suit can also move on its own accord, enabling it to help elderly or handicapped people walk, or provide workers with superhuman powers. I can just imagine the new TV Series to promote it, 'The Sixty Year Old, Billion Yen Man!'
The third report is insidious and focuses on the dark side of the use of electromagnetism. It was first reported in New Scientist magazine, April 2005 that a new Patent had been granted in the U.S. to PlayStation maker Sony Corp for beaming sensory information directly into the brain. The technique can be used to create videogames to aim ultrasonic pulses at specific areas of the brain to induce "sensory experiences" such as smells, sounds, taste and images. The patent specifies, "The pulsed ultrasonic signal alters the neural timing in the cortex". A Sony spokesperson declared that no experiments had already been conducted.[M5] However, this last statement is misleading because the patent has been awarded. It is an arduous task to prove to the Patent Office that you have something that works, and only then can you be awarded a patent.
The background to the technology that Sony has aspirations to commercialize, is the focus of this article. For those who wish to remain ignorant of the dark side of electromagnetism, I suggest you stop reading after the section about the Neurophone. However, I would urge you to use the link to the end of the article so that you can read the Tokyo '99 Declaration, which occurred at a UN sponsored conference for neuroscientists. Just above this section you may also wish to know that Mind Technology only works on 80% of the population, so you can find out why that is so. For those who want to know a little more about the issues surrounding EM radiation and the fifty years of experiments into the science of re-arranging consciousness - Mind Control/Technology, then please continue this article. It will provide a basic overview, so you can properly understand the concerns of the knowledgeable in this area. If you have children or grandchildren, I would like you to know that this is creeping into mainstream awareness and curiously, filmmakers are taking a stance in this issue and warning our teenagers. The plot of the teen film Agent Cody Banks 2 was about a CIA 'educational' mind control device that had been stolen for the purpose of controlling world leaders. The line in the film by Cody's CIA handler sums up the situation,
'Mind Control is Reality…..God Help Us All'
The Neurophone
Flanagan invented a device that from anywhere on the body sound like voice and music can be picked up and converted into electrical impulses, which propagate along the skin and then are transferred into the brain, bypassing the ear and associated hearing mechanisms entirely. It took 6 years to convince the U.S. Patent office that this invention worked. A patent was awarded only when a working model was tested on a deaf patent office employee and he heard! Patrick Flanagan then improved the invention technically and submitted it under a new patent number 3,647,970. He made the mistake of adding the accompanying sentences with his application: "The simplified speech waveform can be transmitted directly through the earth or water and be understood either directly from the medium or after simple amplification. The simplified waveform can easily be encoded by scrambling to provide secure voice communications."
Opening Pandora's Box
The Moscow Signal
Nothing was publicly revealed to the U.S. public until 1976 when stories started circulating in the Boston Globe. Dr. Becker states in a 1984 TV documentary that the U.S. couldn't say anything about it because safety standards for the U.S. were higher than the microwave signals used by the Soviets on the Moscow Embassy. If the U.S. admitted bioeffects or athermal effects, (non heating), from the radiation, such as a high white blood count, it would throw into doubt the U.S. standard set "rather arbitrarily " in the 1950s. It would also be an embarrassment to the Americans who chose to keep the public in the dark about the microwaving of the Moscow Embassy from 1953 to 1975. [4] So, in 1976 the embassy employees found out that they were being used as guinea pigs when the US decided to install defensive screens to protect personnel, a situation roundly condemned in an official report. Consequently without admitting liability, the state department eventually tried to appease the embassy staff by re-grading Moscow posts as carrying an extra health risk and gave all staff a 20% salary rise … a number of staff tried to sue the US Government…'[5]
Neil Cherry in his mammoth 2000 report (review of 188 research papers on EMR for the New Zealand government), included the Moscow Embassy affair in his analysis of the harmful affects of EMR. He wrote that the employees and dependants were studied for possible health effects from the radar exposure (Cherry disputes the "microwave" description for the EMR detected), by a team from the John Hopkins University under the direction of highly respected epidemiologist, Professor Abraham Lilienfeld. Dr Lilienfeld noted that the group was quite small and the follow-up time too short to generally identify significant health effects such as cancer. He thus recommended that continued health status surveillance should be carried out. This was not done. The incidence of sickness and death were compare with the average US rates for similar age groups for both the Moscow Embassy and other Eastern European Embassies. Cherry writes there was great pressure for the group not to identify adverse health effects. Dr Herbert Pollack, the U.S. State Department Contract Officer is recorded to have changed the conclusions of the report, Goldsmith (1995a, 1997). Despite the small numbers, the Lilienfeld data shows a significant increases in:
Cardiac symptoms
Neurological and psychological symptoms
Altered blood cell counts
Increased chromosome aberrations, and
Elevated cancer in children and adults
Sickness increasing in a dose-response manner with years of residence.
These symptoms are associated with chronic exposure to very low intensity pulsed microwaves in the range < 0.04 to 0.2(W/cm2).
Cherry concludes that, 'In a sense too, the fact that the State Department case officer, Dr Herbert Pollack, altered the conclusions, attests to the significance of this study, the results of which would be embarrassing to the U.S. Government, both in terms of compensation and in terms of the validity of the U.S. exposure standard.'[3]
The 1984 BBC documentary 'Opening Pandora's Box' [4] explained how the safety standards for electromagnetic radiation, EMR, were set higher in the 1950s to allow the military to have unlimited use of EMR technology. At the time, American science reports suggesting EMR health effects of brain tumours, heart conditions, leukaemia, cataracts and more, but these were ignored. The military was a major source of funding and so reports were not followed up. Microwave News, a journal on nonionizing radiation, reported that radar men, air traffic controllers and police officers filed complaints. These court cases revolved around the validity of the safety standard. Dr. Milton Zaret, another Pandora scientist explained that most government committees, who set the safety standards around the world, were set up in the same way as in the U.S. Members of the committee did not want to impede or put restraints on progress by tightening the safety standards for EMR. This is illustrated by government action, as follows. As part of Project Pandora, the U.S. government conducted Operation Big Boy on Navy ships to find any health effects from radar equipment on the ships. When effects were found, the government terminated the project.
Dr. Becker stated that there was tremendous growth of the communications and power industries and a complete lack of information or even consideration of EMR health risks. Industry didn't consider bioeffects of EMR until the mid seventies. There was a "complete lack of consideration" of any biological effects from electromagnetic radiation and the repeated dogma was there are "no possible biological effects." Then there were concerns over complaints and the subsequent study results on computer VDTs and miscarriages and birth defects and powerline exposure and leukaemia in adults and children living near them. Studies reported a high incidences of suicide in people living near power lines. Other studies reported that electrical workers were at risk for leukaemia. Meanwhile, the U.S. standard had been virtually unchanged since the 1950s. In comparison the Soviet standard was originally 1000 times lower than the U.S position. The targetting of the Moscow Embassy highlighted the fact that very small dosages of EMR can have long term harmful effects, which are still officially denied even today.
The Woodpecker Signal
Re-Arranging Consciousness (Mind Technology)
Robert Becker explains in his book 'The Body Electric', that the potential for electronic stimulation of the brain for mind control at that time, was largely known through the work of Delgado. He could use signals to provoke animals like cats and monkeys to perform the same activity as many times as it was stimulated, up to sixty times an hour. Another type of signal made monkeys turn their heads or smile, no matter what else they were doing, up to twenty thousand times in two weeks. As Delgado concluded, "The animals looked like electronic toys." [2] Delgado stimulated brain activity in his patients with ESB (Electronic Stimulation of the Brain) in the ELF domain, especially in the amygdala and hippocampus. Funding for the project came predominantly from the American Office of Naval Intelligence, a CIA cover agency .[6] Delgado summarized his findings by writing that, "movement, emotion and behaviour can be controlled by electrical forces, and human beings can be controlled like robots with the touch of a button." His unfortunate 'patients' reported that their behaviour had changed against their will because they lacked the strength to resist the electrical signal. "Since the brain controls the entire body and all mental processes, electrical stimulation of the brain could be developed into an important method of planned manipulation of human behaviour."[7] Delgado, the master of the dark side of EM, elaborated his point of view in sentences like the following:
"We need a programme of psychosurgery for political control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated.... The individual may think that the most important reality is his point of view. This lacks historical perspective.... Man does not have the right to develop his own mind.... We must electrically control the brain. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electrical stimulation of the brain."[8]
In Spanish Cordoba the flamboyant Delgado demonstrated his mastery of the black arts, in the bullring. He implanted hair-like electrodes into the brain of a bull, the electrodes acting as receivers of electrical stimulus and his control mechanism. A newspaper report gave the following account:
"Afternoon sunlight poured over the high wooden barrier into the ring as the brave bull bore down on the unarmed matador, a scientist who had never faced a bull. But the charging animal's horns never reached the man behind the heavy red cape. Moments before that could happen, Dr. Delgado pressed a button on a small radio transmitter in his hand and the bull braked to a halt. Then he pressed another button on the transmitter, and the bull obediently turned to the right and trotted away. The bull was obeying commands in his brain that were being called forth by the radio signals acting as electrical stimulation to certain regions in which fine wires had been painlessly planted the day before." [9]
Delgado's research did find adherents and further horrible experiments on humans have been documented. Some of the later experiments pointed in the direction of filtering the "imprint" of concrete emotions in the brain with the aid of electroencephalograms (EEG) and specific computer software to synthesize the relevant frequencies and amplitudes as emotion signature clusters and store them on computer. And, if needed, to clone them into other brains by stimulus transfer. (This last fact does not sound too different to Benveniste's work with cell signatures.)
At the same time as Delgado was carrying out his questionable research, the CIA were sponsoring other avenues to change mental states. The notorious MKultra Project was a collection of 149 psychological warfare and interrogation experiments commissioned in the 1950s by the CIA.[10] It also included money for "techniques of activation of the human organism by remote electronic means." [11] When these experiments came under public scrutiny, a CIA memo stated that they were looking for behavior control to enhance consciousness. [4] I find that truly hard to believe!
Dr. Becker says he was also consulted by the CIA in the early 60s to determine whether pilots shot down and captured by Soviets in the 1960s could possibly have been exposed to EMR. without them realizing it and furthermore if that would that have caused them to have a personality change. 'Mind Control' was suspected as pilots were tested psychologically before overseas missions and when they returned back, so dramatic changes in test results were found. "Pilots did not report bad treatment and were not aware of any EMR exposure by Soviets during debriefing sessions." They were interned by the Soviets for two to six weeks and returned with "considerable personality alterations". (I actually wonder whether the changes made them nicer people, and that was why the military were so concerned!) Dr. Robert Beck, an electronics engineer, is one former member of scientists recruited by the U.S. government to work in 'psychoactive research'. His published work talks of "specific frequencies that cause anxiety, fear, confusion. He described an experiment in which electromagnetic pulses emitted from a device that looked like a wristwatch caused other diners in a restaurant to talk more loudly or quietly, depending on the EM pulse emitted by the wristwatch device."
In 1968, the Russian academician A.S. Presman published a book "Electromagnetic Fields and Life" [12] where he presented theory that electromagnetic signals provide information for all living matter, and can exert control over its intrinsic processes. In his book he mentions the experiment of S. Turlygin from the year 1937 where centimeter waves induced in people feelings of sleepiness and feebleness. A. S. Presman also gives a timeline on the history of knowledge on the effects of electromagnetic fields on the cerebral visual system. Here we find that as early as 1893 a Frenchman D'Arsonval had noticed that the electromagnetic field can produce in people a perception of 'a flash of light'. In the following years many other scientists have made the same observation. The list of literary sources at the end of the A.S: Presman book is 28 pages long. [13]
Nevertheless, the general public, are not 'informed', and are only disturbed by the occasional newspaper article and documentary. We do know though, that this mind technology can be re-hashed and used at airports to find terrorists. It was reported in The Washington Times on August 17, 2002 that "NASA Plans to Read Terrorist's Minds at Airports". This was widely reported and served as a reminder that Big Brother is alive and well. [15] Rather interestingly at the end of the article there is excerpt which states, 'Published scientific reports show NASA researcher Alan Pope, at NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, Va., produced a system to alert pilots or astronauts who daydream or "zone out" for as few as five seconds.' I wonder if we would allow employers to kit us out, so that we can be 'zapped' back into action when our attention wanders occasionally!
In 1986 the United States Attorney General held a conference on the Less than Lethal Weapons. In the report on this conference among others is stated: "Participants also discussed the use of various wave lengths and forms of administration of electromagnetic energy as a non-lethal weapon. A substantial amount of preliminary research has been conducted in this area... One conference participant noted that scientific knowledge of human physiology is progressing to the point where it may soon be possible to target specific physiologic systems with specific frequencies of electromagnetic radiation to produce much more subtle and fine-tuned effects than those produced by photic driving." [16]
Photic driving is the use of visible light pulsed at frequencies which have been shown to impact the brain, commonly understood as the principle behind epileptic fits. Dr George Baker of the Defense Nuclear Agency, at this same conference presented a paper infamously titled "RF Weapons: A Very Attractive Nonlethal Option". (If you want a comprehensive historical review please use the link at the end of this article to a Bearden article called "Historical Background of Scalar EM Weapons".
One last infamous quote, from a world expert in consciousness, who is very happy to demonstrate on any sceptic, the effectiveness of this technology.
"Give me the money and three months...and I'll be able to affect the behavior of 80 per cent of the people in this town without their knowing it. Make them happy - or at least they'll think they're happy. Or aggressive."[17]
Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher-Bise, Nuclear Physics and Engineering, University of California
This quote reveals the truth that mind control only appears to work on 80% of the population. I believe the remaining 20% that are not affected, have strong personal energy fields where inappropriate energies are deflected. Researchers believe that the personal energy field can be strengthened to deflect undesirable EMR, by introducing a 8 Hz scalar EM signal. 8 Hz is very close to the Earth's Schumann Resonance of 7.83 Hz., and can be achieved by wearing a device like the famous Tesla watch. In doing so, the energy field around the body is enhanced and harmful electromagnetic frequencies are deflected. I believe that also completing Phase I - IV of the EMF Balancing Technique to calibrate the Universal Calibration Lattice, UCL also permits more personal energy to be carried, hence the UCL ACTS LIKE A SHIELD. This is enhanced by the process called 'balancing the flow', where core energy, a natural EM scalar wave, is strengthened. For further details about bioscalar energy see Dr Valerie Hunt's website at www.bioenergyfields.
The Truth Will Set You Free
In May 1999, a UN sponsored conference for neuroscientists took place in Tokyo.[18] This conference resulted in a declaration addressing the ethics of consciousness studies. In conclusion to this article, the Tokyo '99 Declaration states,
Welcome to the (SCARE) Page
The Sound Cancelizer And Rhythmic Equalizer (SCARE)
To familiarize you with the concepts leading to the invention of the Sound Cancelizer and Rhythmic Equalizer read the Phase differences, the Flanagan Neurophone, and The Invention of the Sound Cancellizer and Rhythmic Equalizer (SCARE). When complete, (SCARE) will be able to block out sounds coming from the invisible demonic schizoid entity and from the environment. It is awesome to see that the words are so calibrated that Sound Cancelizer and Rhythmic Equalizer is abbreviated to say (SCARE). As you know the invisible demonic schizoid entities scare their victims to death. UMCO will be able to invent an electronic scientific device named (SCARE) to combat the demonic schizoid entities and to liberate their victims from the torturous grip of the demonic schizoid entities. Just like they scare their victims to death we shall invent the cure by building (SCARE) or the Sound Cancelizer and Rhythmic Equalizer. We shall (SCARE) them too with our scientific device that shall set free the captives of the hell of schizophrenia which is caused by the demonic schizoid entities.
Phase difference
Two ac waves might have exactly the same frequency, but they can still have different effects because they are “out of sync” with each other. This is especially true when ac waves are added together to produce a third, or composite, signal.
If two ac waves have the same frequency and the same magnitude, but differ in phase by 180 degrees ( a half cycle), they will cancel each other out, and the net signal will be zero. If the two waves are in phase, the resulting signal will have the same frequency, but twice the amplitude of either signal alone.
If two ac waves have the same frequency but different magnitudes, and differ in phase by 180 degrees, the resulting composite signal will have the same frequency as the originals, and a magnitude equal to the difference between the two. If two such waves are exactly in phase, the composite will have the same frequency as the originals and a magnitude equal to the sum of the two.
If the waves have the same frequency but differ in phase by some odd amount such as 75 degrees or 310 degrees, the resulting signal will have the same frequency, but will not have the same waveshape as either of the original signals. The variety of such cases is infinite.
Household utility current, as you get it from wall outlet, consists of a 60-Hz sine wave with just one phase component. But the energy is transmitted over long distances in three phases, each differing by 120 degrees or 1/3 of the total power in a utility transmission line.
This fascinating technology was developed in 1958 by Patrick Flanagan. It was thought that sound was only heard by the inner ear; Flanagan, however, was able to demonstrate that the brain also hears sounds that vibrate on the skin.
To use this technology, you place the sensors on the forehead under a headband. Then plug the unit into your sound source, such as a CD player. The sensors cause your skin, the largest organ of the body, to vibrate to the music you’ve selected, much like a speaker vibrates.
By bypassing the ear, you are using a completely different part of the brain to process the sound creating new neural pathways. This technology is great for concentration while studying, learning languages, assisting in “new sound perception” great for listening to music in a whole new way, helping with meditation, relaxation, and healing.
When you first put the sensors on your skin, you feel a vibration and can actually hear the sound of the music you’ve selected. You can put the sensors on any part of your body, not just the forehead.
Just by wearing the sensors, you will notice a dramatic mood shift making you more positive, and also a change in your brain power, producing unwavering focus! The ultrasound it produces sends high frequency sound waves and their harmonics beyond the hearing threshold to the brain. It is these high frequency sounds that actually energize the brain, giving you more energy and focus. For music lovers, the clarity of the sound will astound you.
The Invention of the Sound Cancellizer And Rhythmic Equalizer (SCARE)
My idea is to invent an electronic device that is computer operated to cancel out the signal of the voices of invisible schizoid entities that torment their victim with the sound wave of their voices.
The voices of the demonic schizoid entities in the most part bypass the ears of the victim and go strait to the mind of the victim. Like the Flanagan Neurophone the voices of the schizoid entities bypass the human ear and go straight to the human or victim’s brain. My invention will be a device that can block the sound of the voices of the invisible entities so that the victim may not hear their voices. The voices of the demonic schizoid entities cause mental torture, degradation and torment of their victims some victims cannot take it anymore and so they commit suicide. This invention will save millions upon millions of lives in the present and in the future if it is invented.
Just like If two ac waves have the same frequency and the same magnitude, but differ in phase by 180 degrees ( a half cycle), they will cancel each other out, and the net signal will be zero following this principle or something similar, (SCARE) will detect the frequency of the invisible entity and it will match the frequency of the voice of the schizoid entity and block the unwanted sound by canceling out the voice of the schizoid entity to equalize and cancelize the frequency of the sound of the demonic schizoid entity. However the device work it will be able to detect certain frequencies and block them from entering the mind or ear of the victim.
The device will be able to match any sound frequency and block it from entering the victim’s brain. The device will also be able to cancelize hallucinogenic images from the mind of the victim it will be able to cancellize imaginations from the minds eye of the victim.
Following the principal of the phase differences and the invention of the Flanagan Neurophone UMCO will be able to invent the electronic device that have a small enternal computer to match the frequency or rhythm sound of any voice and match the frequency in some form to cancel the sound of it from getting into the brain or ear of the victim. The schizoid entity does not rely on the ear of the victim it rely on the mind or brain of the victim to transmit its sounds into the brain of its victims; therefore a device is needed in order to filter and cancel out the sounds made by the demonic schizoid entity to scare, terrorize, torment and torture their victims.
There is also the problem of sounds coming from the environment. Sounds coming from the environment can also be cancelized when they overlap with the frequency of electronic devices and animals or sounds coming from the natural environment. The Sound Cancelizer (SCARE) will be able to block sounds in the mind and sounds coming from the environment by matching the frequency of the voices or signal and producing a reactionary frequency of its own to block the unwanted voice or sound from entering the victims mind or ear.
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Que son y que significan los vórtices. Por el inventor Patrick Flanagan.